The Independent Publishers Guild

The Independent Publishers Guild (IPG) is the UK’s largest trade association for publishers and Britain's biggest publishing community. We have more than 600 members working right across publishing, including in trade, children’s, educational, academic, professional and specialist sectors. They share annual turnover of more than £1.1bn, and are among the world’s most creative, innovative and dynamic publishers.

The IPG provides members with a huge range of resources, services and events—all aimed at making independent publishers even better businesses. Here’s a guide to the benefits you can expect when you join us.


  • Access for every member of staff to our valuable weekly ebulletin, website, podcasts and more
  • Participation in one-to-one meetings and contact-building with key buyers at retailers including Amazon, Waterstones and top independents
  • Answers to your everyday queries from fellow members and the IPG team
  • Free and effective recruitment via the ever-popular IPG jobs board
  • Numerous special offers on essential publishing products and services—some of which can repay subscription costs at a stroke
  • Participation in the Independent Publishers Report to benchmark your performance and learn from others.

A place in a flourishing community

  • Membership of the UK’s biggest publishing network, alongside 600+ like-minded businesses
  • Access to two of the very best events in publishing: the IPG Spring and Autumn Conferences
  • A programme of specialist webinars and online meetings throughout the year
  • Membership of Publisher Networks dedicated to different sectors
  • A range of options to join our lively, welcoming and cost-effective collective stands at the London and Frankfurt Book Fairs
  • Celebration of your success at the Independent Publishing Awards
  • A strong voice for independent publishing in the industry and government.

Sector-leading skills and training

A role in building a sustainable and diverse industry

There’s much more to come from the IPG, and we would love to welcome you to our community. Subscriptions start at less than a pound a day and represent exceptional value for money.

If you like what you see, sign up today or ask us to tell you more.